Friday, October 31, 2008

Oh, to be a kid again. What a long day this has been. Got the kids off to school this morning, dressed and ready for Halloween parties of course. T was a cowboy and B a punk zombie.

Then, I was off to the hospital for my Mom's surgery to have her gall bladder removed. I was there all day.

I left there and went home to get the kids ready to go trick-or-treating. B forgot his costume at school, so we had to improvise. T was Sully from Monsters, Inc. We decided that he shouldn't wear it to school since it was 80 today (he was hot tonight as it was).

Have you ever watched a monster go?

I was using my photo camera to get these videos. I couldn't get it figured out when doing it. I soo wish I had, because it was so cute to watch him walk and run away. I've got it figured out now and I'll know next time, maybe. :)

Happy Halloween and Happy Harvest

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