How did you learn to spell?  

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

So, T is in the 3rd grade. Last week he had his first spelling test for this year. He brought home his list and we studied. We went over the rules for each word and he learned the words. This week, no list. He does have a spelling test, but no words to study. I called his teacher and asked her what the words were, thinking he didn't bring them home. She tells me that they are going to do spelling different this year. She is not going to give the kids the words for the spelling test to study, as they just memorize them. They have to learn the rules for words and spell based on the rules. Okay. So we start going over the rules and the example words and here is a rule and some examples for the rule:

1.4~Bonus Letter ll, ss, ff- when f, s, and l follow a short vowel to the end of the word the letter is doubled. Even though there are two letter we only tap one sound. chess moss mull dill muff mill buff lass lull mall till buss.

What!?! BUSS?? Pardon me, but when you ask your 3rd grader, or anyone else, to spell "BUSS" aren't you going to get "BUS", a vehicle used to transport many people?? That is what I got. I even looked it up in an online dictionary. It means "to kiss". Come on, leave that example off the list. Because don't you now have to explain that there are exceptions to every rule? Doesn't that just confuse a 3rd grader when you ask them to spell "BUSS" and they spell "BUS" and it is wrong?

Now, don't get me wrong, I am all for teaching the rules of spelling. Going over them with T, I remember learning them. But, at the same time, I also remember memorizing the list of words for Friday's spelling test. Sometimes, I think we just have to know how to spell words and not know why we know how to spell them.

Sorry for that rant, but some things I just have to rant about.

Bye for now!!

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Yes, I am.  

So, I have decided I am going to blog. I am not going to use my kids names. I am going to use their middle initials (both their names begin with K). So world, get to know me and my family!!

T, 8, on the left and B, 11, on the right

Chris and me at the Grand Ole Opry.

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The Whole Wide World???  

Friday, September 19, 2008

Am I really doing this? I was sitting here wondering what to say about my family and it got me thinking, am I really ready to share about my family with the whole world? In theory, it is the whole world. I love my family and I don't really care what others think about us. But, I also don't want to be judged by the way I live my life. I know people don't blog to be judged, but is that what people reading them do? I have been reading a few blogs for a while and they are very inspiring. I just don't see myself as an inspiring person.

I think I need to find my true self. I was a child and then a mother. No finding myself in between there. I guess that is who I am, a mother, but sometimes I want to be more.

I am taking down the pictures of me and my family until I decide if I am truly ready to do this..

Bye for now???

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

So, I'm new to this. I am a 29 year old stay-at-home mom to 2 boys, ages 11 and 8. I used to work, but the company I worked for closed and I have stayed home for about the last year and a half. I am starting this blog, because I am finding it hard to be a stay at home mom. Now that I stay home, I don't see many people or get out much, as I live in a rural area. I would like to go back to work part-time, but I'm just not sure if that if feasible, as it is 20 miles to the nearest town and there is not a lot there. Anyway, I thought that I would start a blog and share my thoughts and just get them out there. Maybe I can find some blogger friends out there and if not, well, I am really just sharing my thoughts with whomever wants to read them. In the next few posts, I will update on my family.

For now. BYE.

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